Notes: 2034, OSM mapping, triangulation
Programming Perl in 2034 by Charlie Stross is just brilliant - he covers what causes things to change, to stay the same and the reality distorting change the awaits us in the coming decades (and the place of programming languages in 100 years time). The whole thing is quotable, but this about sums it up:
“we can reasonably assume that any object more durable than a bar of soap and with a retail value of over $5 probably has as much computing power as your laptop today”
On Wednesday I went mapping Brixton Market with Open Streetmap London. I was aware of Field Papers from Stamen, but never actually used them. They are brilliantly simple in use. They must have applications beyond OSM. Maybe to help Farmers fill in their Common Agricultural Policy applications?
Also on a geo-tip, I’ve been trying to remember all the things I’ve forgotten about coordinate and projection systems from university.
The whole thing is simplish in concept, complex in implementation. eg OSGB (the British National Grid) covers Great Britain only, but may or may not also include a small rock 270 miles off Ireland;
I also came across The Great Retriangulation of Great Britain 1935 - 1962. By the time the survey was complete improvements in measuring technology meant it was probably out by approximately 20 meters.